The Iowa Heartland Chapter Board would like to wish a Happy New Year to everyone in the telecommunications community in Iowa. In 2022, the Board is hoping to bring more compelling training opportunities to everyone who is seeking to improve their skills and advance their career. We hope you'll join us for these training sessions throughout 2023. We would also like to hear from YOU about what trainings and skills development would be most valuable to you and your collegues. We're always open to ideas that will be of value to you!
We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Board members! During our annual Board election held earlier this month, SCTE members in Iowa elected Nathan Sidlinger and Charles Chapelle to their first two-year term on the Board. Both Nathan and Charles work at Mediacom. Board terms begin January 1st. We also welcome back four returning Board members. Kirk Hauskins (ImOn) was elected to his second term; Eric Lage (Reinbeck Telecommunications Utility) will serve his 3rd term; Brenda Stottler (Teknetix) is entering her second term on the Board; and Josh Robinson (USA Communications), our outgoing Chapter Treasurer, will continue serving as a Board member for his 5th term. The Board will be holding their annual organizational meeting on January 12th to elect officers for 2023 and to schedule trainings and meetings for the year.
The Iowa Heartland Chapter is excited about the return of the Iowa Vendor Day on March 23, 2023! The event will be held at Stoney Creek Hotel in Johnston. This will be the first vendor day for our Chapter since before the COVID-19 outbreak. We will be combining Vendor Day with one or more technical training sessions. Details and registration information on the technical training will be announced soon.
We'd like to remind our Iowa SCTE members that it is time to renew your membership dues for the upcoming year. Take a few minutes from your busy holiday schedule to make sure your membership is up to date. We'd also like to encourage you to spread the word about SCTE membership to your coworkers. Help us grow the Iowa Heartland Chapter so we can continue to provide training and professional development in 2023 and beyond!
Heartland Headlines E-NewsletterOur Heartland Headlines e-newsletter is sent monthly to subscribers. It's a great way to keep up on what's happening at the Iowa Heartland Chapter and the industry in general!
May 2024