After two years with limited events due to COVID, the Iowa Heartland Chapter is looking forward to resuming a normal schedule of trainings and events in 2022! Do you have any ideas for technical trainings you'd like to see us conduct? If you do, we'd love your feedback! CLICK HERE to send us an email with your ideas. We appreciate it!
43 people epresenting 16 different companies participated in the Iowa Heartland Chapter's "Evolution of the Pathway" training held on December 6, 2021 in Carroll. The Chapter would like to thank Tim Locker with CBM for leading the discussion of use cases for various types of conduit systems, including multi-path conduit. We would also like to extend a huge thank you to Western Iowa Networks, who hosted the training at their beautiful new facility in Carroll. And thank you to all that attended in person or online!
Heartland Headlines E-NewsletterOur Heartland Headlines e-newsletter is sent monthly to subscribers. It's a great way to keep up on what's happening at the Iowa Heartland Chapter and the industry in general!
May 2024